Swimming Pool Cleaning Services
Swimming Pool Cleaning Services: Why It Should be Done
Weekly swimming pool cleaning services in Singapore are very important, especially for unscreened swimming pools — both with and without spas. These pools call for extra attention because of leaves and other falling debris that might make the pool water dirty
Having your pool cleaned can also be practical, because these services are designed to save the cost of unneeded cleaning. Full swimming pool cleaning services include tile brushing, filter cleaning, wall brushing, basket vacuuming, and checking of chemicals, as well as the netting. These services should be performed regularly and not as and when necessary.
This is one of the most popular swimming pool cleaning services. It includes cleaning of the baskets, pool brushing, and cleaning the pool filter every other week or on a weekly basis, depending on how frequent it needs to be done,
Monthly Backwash
This once-per-month pool service is perfect for those with DE filters. Basically, the technician will perform backwashing on the filter and a DE powder will be added once the backwashing has been completed. Most pool cleaning services include the DE powder too.
Specialty Cleanings
There are instances when clients have special requests. These can range from multiple cleanings to fountain cleanings because of debris and the like. Our company knows how challenging this can be and that’s why we do our best to offer services that are perfect for your needs.
Creating a custom pool service is also one of the best ways to allow you to enjoy your pool all year round. This type of service can be performed as often as three times a week, but it can be less. All will depend on how the pool is maintained.
The Benefits of Hiring Professional Pool Cleaners
Although maintaining a pool can be personally done, those who don’t have much time on their hands should opt for professional swimming pool cleaning services instead.
For one, even the simplest routine maintenance can be time consuming, but it’s something you should never ignore — you don’t want your pool to get dirty to the extent that you can’t use it, right? Likewise, safety in swimming starts by properly maintaining and cleaning it. Thus, an investment in this type of service is definitely worth it.
Furthermore, dirt inside the pool can be dangerous to the user. This can range from twigs floating in the water to something more serious, such as harmful organisms. Twigs and leaves usually float atop, especially in areas where there are trees nearby. Harmful organisms, include bacteria and algae. Algae are known to grow in wet areas, which is why swimming pools should be cleaned on a regular basis.
These are just some of the reasons why you should consider having your pool cleaned professionally. Best Cleaning Guru helps those who have busy schedules during the week and want to relax during the weekend instead of having to perform such daunting tasks. Aside from swimming pool cleaning services, we also offer condominium cleaning services, and many more.
Don’t worry about maintaining your pool anymore. By using our swimming pool cleaning services, you’ll have the assurance that everything will be done the way you want it. Give us a call and we’ll get back to you!