Cleaning Kitchen Utensils
In a commercial kitchen, hundreds of kitchen utensils are used every day. It is absolutely necessary that every kitchen utensil is washed thoroughly and kept in a clean place at all times. The problem is that sometimes you can wash the utensils but are still not satisfied with your job. Cleaning kitchen utensils is an art form where different types of dirt should be cleaned. Find out below what can make your utensils really dirty and what you can do about it.
Scales and scum from hard water
For restaurants that use borehole water or generally any type of water that has a sweet taste in it, take note that your water could be the cause of chalky substances on the surfaces of your cooking pans and dishes. Hard water scales inhibit water conductivity, clog the whistles in kettles, coffee makers and pressure release valves. To remove hard water, you will need a soap detergent, stainless steel wool and clean warm water.
Cleaning the kettles and coffee makers
If your kettle whistle is blocked by lime scale from hard water, clean it by mixing vinegar with boiled water inside the kettle and then wait for ten minutes before you can rinse it. As for the coffee maker, use one table spoon of white vinegar together with clean water and then run the machine for a few cycles. Make sure that you have removed the filter as it runs. After two or three cycles, replace the vinegar mixture with purely clean water for rinsing purposes. Note that if you are not sure of how to clean particular types of kitchen appliances, consult the manufacturer’s guide.
Sanitize your utensils for maximum impact
Sanitizing your utensils reduces the spread of germs and bacteria into your food by a great percentage. Sanitizing should best be done after the cleaning bit. The procedure is simple and easy but the impact of sanitizing could mean a lot to your health and the health of those who depend on your kitchen.
To be precise, mix a quarter cup of chlorine bleach per gallon of water. Soak all your utensils in the mixture for some minutes and then allow them to air dry. Note that if metal pans and pots stay in the sodium hypochlorite mixture (bleach) for long, they can start to discolor. On the other hand, if you use a dish washer, begin by sanitizing it through the simple step of running the bleach mixture in its cycle for at least three times. Once you are sure that it is safe, you can then clean your utensils therein.
Cleaning stainless steel
Stainless steel can be washed with soapy water and then rinsed before being dried with a towel. Always use clear water to clean stainless steel in order to avoid creating stain marks on your utensils. If the kettles or dishes already have stains, use baking soda to remove them.
Cleaning burnt food in pans
First, soak the pan in hot water or 1% ammonia cleaner. Scrub the pan with a non-abrasive tool, and then rinse it with cold water. You may add soap detergents for softening purposes should the food stuff remain stuck.
Cleaning kitchen utensils is a bit easier than cleaning greasy kitchen cabinets or walls. All the same, contact Best Cleaning Guru to help you get good professional cleaners.