Cleaning Greasy Kitchen Cabinets

Greasy substances on a kitchen cabinet do not just appear overnight. Yellowish or darkening greasy substances for instance might be the result of not cleaning your kitchen cabinets for more than six months. The good thing is that getting these substances off your cabinet can take just one or two hours. Stick with me for the next few minutes to learn more about cleaning greasy kitchen cabinets.

Cleaning with vinegar

Vinegar is definitely not a new term in the kitchen. We use it to preserve meat, for pickling vegetables and in some cases for adding into cooked food. But do you have an idea of how powerful vinegar can be when cleaning your kitchen?

Adding some liquid undiluted vinegar to your cleaning cloth can help remove the greasy substance at a much faster rate. In fact, vinegar can be more effective than most soap detergents if used in appropriate quantities. Your cabinet will however require thorough rinsing for them to regain their shining look. So after cleaning with vinegar, add warm water to your cleaning cloth and rinse the cabinets properly. You can then dry clean the damp parts with a paper towel.

Cleaning with Melting suds

While vinegar and soap detergents may help remove greasy grime on kitchen cabinets, hot water ensures that all grime and greasy food particles are cleaned off your cabinets completely. To make this effective, add totally boiling water into your sink and then add one or two tablespoons of soap detergents. With leather gloves, use a nylon scouring pad and sponge to clean off the mess from your cabinet.

Boiling water can melt greasy substances out of your cabinets with ease, but again you should only use water whose heat levels you can handle. Also, note that the boiling water may tamper with the looks of the cabinets’ finish if not handled well. Finally, rinse the cabinets with cold water and then dry them with a paper towel.

Cleaning with oil

You may probably be wondering how is it possible for oil to clean up oil. The answer is that vegetable oil has the ability to soften hard stuck food particles on the kitchen cabinets with little difficulty. When mixed together with baking soda ash, they produce a paste that softens the greasy substances in your kitchen cabinets. Once these substances are softened, you can then clean them off with soap detergents or vinegar.

Things to consider after cleaning kitchen cabinets

Just like in the case of kitchen exhaust hood cleaning, kitchen cabinets require after-cleaning maintenance services. Wooden cabinets for instance may need some little drying oil once in a while. The melamine cabinets probably require immediate drying after cleaning more than anything else. All the same, cleaning kitchen cabinets once in a while is the best way to ensure that they are free from accumulating the greasy grime.

When you need thorough kitchen cleaning, only look for services from reputable cleaners like Best Cleaning Guru. Contact us to help you get these reputable kitchen cleaners to work for you.

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