Part Time Office Cleaning Services Singapore

How often should you hire part-time office cleaning companies?

Part-time office cleaning services Singapore, every business is different in a way. Some have complex office structures while others are simple in nature. With the vast diversities in our offices today, answering how often you should hire part-time office cleaning companies becomes a difficult question. Read on to learn some factors that should help you understand when to know how often your office should clean on a part-time basis.

Size of your office

The size of an office matters a lot in determining how often your office should get cleaned. Usually, we would say that the larger the office area, the higher the number of times you should deploy office cleaners. However, other underlying issues make this factor a bit complicated.

For instance, if you have a huge number of people getting in and out of your office on a daily basis, then you are obliged to have it cleaned more often, e.g. vacuuming the carpets. However, we cannot deny the fact that bigger offices tend to have more areas where dirt and germs can gather and hence companies with larger offices should also seek the services of professional office cleaning companies on a more regular basis.


A good office cleaning company should be available when you need their services. You shall be able to count on their services while they should also be flexible enough to handle your busy schedules. Look at it this way. You are paying them to work for you. That means that you are entitled to have the final say on when the cleaning work shall do. The company should also be reliable even if they are providing small office cleaning services. If you believe that they should clean your office from 7 in the evening, it should be 7 pm and not any other time.

Intensity of work done

As we had earlier stated, different departments have varying cleaning needs such as sweeping, mopping, vacuuming or floor polishing. Some offices floors may have to be washed thoroughly once in a few days while others may just require more cleaning services every day. So, depending on how much cleaning is done during the part-time office cleaning services period, you can then decide whether to hire the cleaning company daily, weekly or biweekly. Some cleaning companies are so thorough in the short time span they have between the working hours such as during lunch times that you may not need cleaning services so often.


No matter how good an office cleaning services company is, you cannot hire them to clean for you weekly if their services do not fall within your budget. However, that does not mean that you should hire for lowest priced office cleaning services companies. What is more important is the flexibility of a company, their credibility and finally their costs of doing business with you.

As you rest this evening, think about how much you need a reliable and flexible part time office cleaning service company for your business, and then give Best Cleaning Guru a call to help you get the best cleaners for your office on a part-time basis.

Call +65 6248 0885 or drop us an email for us to support your business operation in part time office cleaning services.

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