Encapsulation Carpet Cleaning
Choose Us for Encapsulation Carpet Cleaning
When it comes to commercial carpet cleaning, companies try to use innovative and effective methods to achieve desired results. In the last few years, encapsulation carpet cleaning has become an important and popular concept. The primary goal of carpet cleaning services is to get the carpet perfectly clean, and to dry it quickly.
In some cases, achieving this goal requires a unique approach that focuses on radical cleaning methods. After all, effective and complete carpet cleaning is often customized cleaning. When it comes to carpet cleaning, there isn’t always a right answer. But encapsulation cleaning can provide a commercial establishment with numerous benefits.
How Does Encapsulation Carpet Cleaning Work?
The temperature used in encapsulation cleaning isn’t too high. In addition to this, the time required to clean the carpet is less than most other carpet cleaning methods. Most importantly, the chemical and agitation aspect of encapsulation cleaning is very effective, and makes sure you never miss a beat.
Encapsulation cleaning offers your business numerous benefits without spending a huge amount of money on carpet cleaning. It’s worth mentioning that encapsulation chemicals contain detergents similar to typical chemicals used in other methods. Thus, encapsulation cleaning doesn’t replace detergency and surfactancy.
The primary difference lies in the crystal-based polymers present in encapsulation chemicals. In the detergent mixture, these specific polymers act like a second wave in a powerful army attack. Once the detergents have performed their work, including attacking and disintegrating soil from the fiber, crystallizing polymers encapsulate or surround the detergent in the mix, and the soil which are emulsified or suspended.
Once the mixture dries up, the encapsulation polymers also dry to a crystal, which isn’t sticky. In fact, it allows easy and quick removal by vacuuming. Once the encapsulant is appropriately added and worked properly into the carpet, the affected areas look clean. Though some soil is still there, it’s now encapsulated and waiting for you to clean up with a basic vacuum cleaner.
The Benefits of Encapsulation Cleaning
Due to this application process, encapsulation carpet cleaning offers numerous benefits in large commercial establishments, including warehouses, airports and more. Every time your carpet is vacuumed, it appears cleaner. The primary reason is that more soil trapped inside the polymers is cleaned away. Most other carpet cleaning methods don’t prove to be as effective in these places.
According to experts, encapsulation technology reduces drying time after a carpet has been cleaned. This is possible because when encapsulated polymers are present in the solution, the surfactants bond closely with them instead of hot water. This allows better water evaporation and reduced dry times.
Best Cleaning Guru has been offering encapsulation carpet cleaning to make sure business establishments enjoy its numerous benefits. With encapsulation cleaning, not only is drying time reduced, but carpets are also cleaner. Most importantly, businesses don’t need to spend a huge amount of money to get the carpet cleaned. If you’ve been looking to get the carpets in your commercial establishment cleaned, contact us and we’ll take care of the rest.